
Concert Photo Coverage
Professional Concert photography, full edited album (approx 20-50 images)
Delivered within 48 hours full album, within 24 hours “prelims”
Wide angle and close up lenses used, full range of coverage from all areas of the venue if applicable.
Venue and Artist access to determine the style of shots to be attained
Packages Starting from = $450+hst - $800+hst

TOUR RUN Coverage
Travel with band capturing media content (Photo and Video)
Show photos delivered next day, some photos NIGHT OF for immediate posting.
Behind the scenes and bus life captured if wanted!
Venue and Artist access to determine the style of shots to be attained.
Contact us for specific Tour pricing depending on number of shows, travel, executables, etc.

Concert HYBRID shooter (Multi media)
Photo and Video packages available for full media coverage
Photos Delivered within 48 hours full album, within 24 hours “prelims”
Professional Concert photography, full edited album (approx 20-50 images)
1 sizzle edit RECAP of the show/event (45 seconds to 90 seconds)
Wide angle and close up lenses used, full range of coverage from all areas of the venue if applicable.
Venue and Artist access to determine the style of shots to be attained
Delivered within 2 weeks (1 week rush also available, 48 and 24 hr rush also available)
Packages Starting from = $1300+hst
Concert HYPE recap
Professional Concert Video coveraage RECAP
Delivered within 72 hours, sooner if requested.
Wide angle and close up lenses used, full range of coverage from all areas of the venue if applicable.
45 second / 60 second / 90 second depending on want/need
Vertically captured for socials usage
Packages Starting from = $750+hst